Digital equality

Project "Noon" - social adaptation of children from orphanages
Since 2013, Rostelecom, along with the Interregional public organization "Educational and creative leisure company "Games of the Future", has been running an interactive educational program in orphanages and boarding schools aimed at career guidance of children in the field of telecommunications and adaptation in society. The focus is put on the "Noon" project of social adaptation of orphanages. Its main purpose is to enable graduates to form the necessary skills, competencies and value orientations for successful socialization.
Learn the Internet, Manage It!
“Learn the Internet, Manage It! is a socio-educational project for commencing Internet users, which makes it possible to get basic knowledge about the device and network capabilities. Its main goal is to increase the level of digital literacy of young users in a modern interactive form and teach them practical skills of using IT services. The project was launched in 2012 by Rostelecom and the Coordination Center of the National Internet Domain.

The Proyektoriya Project
The All-Russia career guidance forum "Proyektoriya" (former "Future intellectual leaders of Russia") has been held on the order of the President of the Russian Federation since 2013. It engages experts of Russia's biggest companies, the best teachers of the country and motivated schoolchildren to address current issues in the field of career guidance and self-determination.

Passing on the mantle by tutors – A Way to Digital Russia
Since 2018, Rostelecom has supported the social project “Passing On the Mantle by Tutors – A Way to Digital Russia”. The Project is being implemented jointly with the “Under the Flag of Goodness” charity foundation and helps children with creative abilities who were left without parental care or who found themselves in a difficult life situation to reveal their abilities.

Social Impact Award - international competition for aspiring social entrepreneurs
For a number of years Rostelecom along with the Impact Hub Moscow – a center supporting socially significant entrepreneurial projects has been announcing winners of the Russian stage of the Social Impact Award competition. The participants are young entrepreneurs from different regions of the country up to 30 years of age who strive to solve important problems of the society and economy.

Remote Learning Project “ROST”: development, education, socialization, employment
One of Rostelecom's priorities is bridging the digital divide. Thanks to the “Bridging the Digital Divide” Project, by 2024 communication services will be available to citizens living in rural areas in remote and inaccessible areas. They will have an opportunity to use all modern digital capabilities.
Since 2014, Rostelecom, together with the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization (ANO) ROST, has been implementing the ROST distance teaching project that includes development, education, socialization and employment of pupils and leavers of orphanages, boarding schools and children left without parental care.

Distance learning for children with disabilities
Rostelecom’s project of distance teaching of children with disabilities allows every child, regardless of the place of residence and distance from big cities, get a good education. The Internet is installed in children's institutions on the basis of "Fiber To The Home" technology. Children receive a quality service due to which they can broaden their horizons and feel like full members of society.

"Internet ABC-book" – helping seniors to learn basic computer skills
In 2014, Rostelecom and the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) signed an agreement on cooperation in teaching pensioners to use a computer. The purpose of the contract is to improve the quality of life through teaching computer literacy and the Internet use, as well as helping older people obtain public services in electronic form. As part of the implementation of the Agreement, in 2014, Rostelecom and PFR prepared a special educational manual for seniors called “Internet ABC-book”. The manual was compiled by teachers, psychologists, gerontologists and IT experts. The program of the course is constantly updated, and new modules and relevant information are added in the manual.
IT Growth project — training high school students in IT professions
The active development of IT services and introduction of new technologies raise the demand in highly qualified engineers for their support and development. Rostelecom, jointly with international youth public organization "AISEK", has been implementing the project "IT-Growth" for several years. Its purpose is to acquaint high school students with promising high-tech services in the field of digital technologies.

Class Register
For the development of a safe child and adolescent segment of the Internet, Rostelecom, together with the modern interactive "Class Register" gives useful Internet links for children and parents on the pages of the publication and on the website:

Development of professional education
Support of institutions of specialized education is based on improving the material and technical resources of educational institutions, support to student initiatives and student clubs, payment of scholarships, arranging students' training in Rostelecom divisions.