
“We teach-we know”
The socio-educational project “We teach-we know” was launched in 2014. Its task is to help children going through long-term in-patient treatment in oncohematological departments of hospitals, receive comprehensive education under the state school program. Teachers working in hospitals, supported by the Ministry of Education of Russia and the Ministry of Health of Russia are involved in the creation and dissemination of special practices of teaching children during treatment. They also help students to join the educational process after its completion. The project is supported by leading specialized medical associations and research centers, federal and regional agencies, and top officials of the state.

I Run and Help
In 2018 Rostelecom together with the "Life Line" charity fund launched the All-Russian project "I Run and Help". The main goal of the project is to run 100 thousand km by joint efforts, convert them into 1 million rubles and transfer them to the Life Line Fund for treatment of children with rare diseases.

Passing on the mantle by tutors – A Way to Digital Russia
Since 2018, Rostelecom has supported the social project “Passing On the Mantle by Tutors – A Way to Digital Russia”. The Project is being implemented jointly with the “Under the Flag of Goodness” charity foundation and helps children with creative abilities who were left without parental care or who found themselves in a difficult life situation to reveal their abilities.

Illustrated books for little blind children
Rostelecom continues longstanding cooperation with the Regional charitable public fund "Illustrated Books For Little Blind Children" within the framework of the project for publication of colored Braille books for children with visual impairment. The project is included in the program of the World Decade for Cultural Development declared by UN and UNESCO.

I Want to Be!
Since 2012, Rostelecom has been actively participating in the charity program "I Want to Be!", organized by the AIF "Kind Heart" - Charity Foundation. The program has been implemented by the Foundation since 2007. Its goal is provision of targeted assistance to children with chronic renal insufficiency who have undergone surgery for transplantation of a donor kidney or are just preparing for it. The program also aims to develop children's creative and intellectual potential and interest in various professions.

Charity on Christmas
Traditionally, on New Year's Eve, Rostelecom provides financial assistance to regional orphanages and boarding schools across the country. In total, more than 5.5 million rubles were remitted in 2018.

Dushevny Bazar
Starting from 2015, Rostelecom has been taking part in the charity fair "Dushevny Bazar", the major charity event in Russia. The event is aimed at the development of charitable organizations, socially responsible entrepreneurs and individuals.

Someone's Life is not a Trifle!
In 2016, Rostelecom employees for the first time took part in the charity event "Someone's life is not a trifle!" In 2018, it was held in Moscow offices of the corporate center in Goncharnaya street and in Rumyantsevo. During the days of the campaign, everyone could contribute to raising money for the treatment of people that are under the care of the "Life Line" charity foundation.