Mission and Principles

More options for everyone

Rostelecom opens up new opportunities in all spheres of life for Russian citizens. Telecommunications are able to change and improve people's lives, and this is exactly what Rostelecom strives for in its relations with everyone deals with our company. Telecommunication services, technological projects and strategic initiatives of the Company cover all aspects that are important for society. All these activities are carried out by a highly qualified team of Rostelecom professionals.

Rostelecom's responsible approach to business means transparency and fair play with customers, partners and investors, active charity and volunteer activities, creation of positive and mutually beneficial relations between the Company and its employees. Rostelecom cares about the future of society – this is what the Company regards as its main social role.

Geographic coverage Rostelecom expands the area of its presence where it implements its programs and projects. Thanks to a common approach to all regions, the projects are implemented on a large scale and with maximal efficiency. It is very important for us to carry out social projects in all regions and ensure digital equality and accessible communications not only in cities, but also in the most distant and scarcely populated areas.

  • Adaptability
    Digital technologies which is the key asset of the Company make the basis of our social activities. Due to its advanced developments and solutions, Rostelecom can provide most effective assistance to society and promote information transparency.
  • Compehensiveness
    Every Rostelecom project is focused on solution of a comprehensive social or environmental problem.
  • Transparency
    We strive for maximum openness and transparency in all areas of the Ñompany activities, including the social sphere. This allows the company to form partnership and mutually beneficial relationships with customers.
  • Cîntinuity
    All Rostelecom programs are intended for many years to come. Only systematic work extending far into the future will create a stable social environment and improve the quality of life of citizens throughout the country.
  • Pàrtnership
    Rostelecom develops a social partnership by combining efforts with authorities, non-profit organizations, and local communities. Many employees take an active part in volunteer and charity programs.
  • Improvement
    Rostelecom is constantly improving its work in the field of social policy with account of the company's strategic interests and the state and dynamics of the country's socio-economic development.
  • International standards
    Rostelecom strictly observes international norms and standards in the field of social activities.

Rostelecom's contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals

In the course of its business Rostelecom takes into account the priority goals of Sustainable Development of the United Nations (UN) aimed at solution of economic, social and environmental problems both of general nature and in specific areas that are important for the world community. The strategic goals of Rostelecom with respect to sustainable development also coincide with the sustainable development goals set by UN. The Company takes them into account as it develops projects and combines them with its business tasks.

Rostelecom's socially significant initiatives and projects make a noticeable contribution to the achievement of the UN goals. In particular, the Company activities as regards implementation of social projects and programs are aimed at achieving such priority goals as “Proficient education” (Goal 4), “Industrialization, innovation and infrastructure” (Goal 9), “Reducing inequality” (Goal 10), and contributes to the “Poverty eradication” (Goal 1), “Extinction of Hunger” (Goal 2) and “Decent Work and Economic Growth” (Goal 8).

First Priority Level 

  • Goal 9
    Ñreation of sustainable infrastructure, promotion of inclusive and sustainable industrialization and innovation.
  • Goal 8
    Promotion of progressive, comprehensive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for everybody.
  • Goal 4
    Ensuring ñomprehensive and high quality education and promotion of lifelong education opportunities for everyone.
  • Goal 11
    Ensuring openness, security, resilience and environmental sustainability of cities and residential areas
  • Goal 10
    Reduction of inequality within and between countries.

Second priority level

  • Goal 17
    Consolidation of the means of implementation and intensification of the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development.
  • Goal 16
    Contributing to building a peace-loving and open society for sustainable development, ensuring access to justice for everybody and creation of effective, accountable institutions based on broad participation at all levels.
  • Goal 12
    Responsible consumption and production.
  • Goal 13
    Combating climate change.
  • Goal 15
    Terrestrial ecosystem conservation.