Company identification details

Certificate of the entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

Certificate of registration with the tax authorities

Full name Ðublic Joint Stock Company "Rostelecom”
Abbreviated name PJSC Rostelecom
Legal address 14, Sinopskaya embankment, Liter A, intra-city territory of the city municipal district Smolninskoe, city of St. Petersburg, 191167, Russian Federation
Postal address 30 (building 1), Goncharnaya st., Moscow, 115172,  Russian Federation
General State Registration Number (“OGRN”) 1027700198767 dated September 9, 2002
State registration certificate number 021.833 dated September 23, 1993
Taxpayer identification number (“INN”) 7707049388
Tax registration reason code (“KPP”) 784201001
Register of municipal territories of Russia code (“OKTMO”) 40911000

Banking details of Rostelecom Corporate Center

Bank Sberbank, 19 Vavilova St., 117997 Moscow, Russia
Account number 40702810038180132605
Correspondent account 30101810400000000225
Bank identification code (“BIK”) 044525225
Tax registration reason code (“KPP”) 770545001